Tuesday, 10 March 2009



LEVEL : Form 2 (Beginner-Intermediate)

TIME : 40 minutes

AIMS : To familiarize students with adjectives and to practice writing using adjectives to describe people

One computer per group of 2 students, with an internet connection and a web browser.

Website: http://www.faceyourmanga.com/ / www.faceyourmanga.com/homepage.php?lang=eng

1. Locate the site
2. Check sites before lesson


  1. Elicit from the students some adjectives of physical description and quality of a person. Write some examples on the board.
  2. Show students examples on ways to write a proper sentence using adjectives to describe people.
  3. Give the prepared worksheet to each pair of students and ask them to choose a person from the class.
  4. Tell students not to disclose to others the person they have chosen.
  5. Ask each pair of students to complete the worksheet by describing the person physically and writing 6 proper sentences using adjectives of quality about that person.
  6. Send students to the website chosen and demonstrate on how to create an image.
  7. Each pair has to exchange their worksheet with other pairs and they are required to guess who the person is by creating an image of the person using the avatar.
  8. While they do this, students should consider the 6 sentences being described about that person for clues.
  9. When all students have finished creating the images, they discuss the results among them.
  10. Ask for volunteers to present their work. Discuss and comment on students’ work.


  1. Ask the students to create their alter ego avatar (someone who is opposite from themselves).They are to create an imaginary profile of the character using appropriate adjectives (information regarding their job, personality, living circumstances, etc)
  2. The profile should be in an essay form of no less than 120 words.
  3. Ask them to email the image and the essay to you (the teacher).